What Do We Stand For?

Credentials, expertise, and a thorough understanding of the environment in which we operate.  We are here to do more than just tell you or your buyers, “it  goes fast” or “it’s a pretty color”.  We are able to help you truly assess an acquisition target, or present your business to potential buyers in their language.  And if you need a valuation for any purpose; we have the skills and qualifications to do so.

Carrie Stacey CPA CVA

Carrie Stacey’s Complete CV

View Carrie Stacey’s Complete CV with lists of speaking engagements on courses and more.

Why Choose Stacey International LLC?

  • Experience, Credentials, and Ongoing Training mean you get a Senior Level Financial Specialist, with the business acumen to reach a successful close!
  • Owner and GM of multiple businesses and multiple business acquisitions and divestures of my own mean a level of understanding unmatched in the industry.
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